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Thursday, 18 April 2013

[APP][Leak]Swipe 'n' Share|Blazing fast transfer speed |Pulled from Micromax bolt A35

transfer file easy and fast over wi fi ....without
data ....charges...by connecting each others
phone over wifi...blazing fast speed of

[APP]RoundR - Rounded screen corners

Introducing RoundR, an open source application that rounds the corners of your screen!

Download RoundR From Google Play
RoundR Source Code on GitHub

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

[APP][APK]Galaxy Note 8.0 Awesome Note

Organize Your Life

Awesome note has variety of different types of notes
that supported to organize and allows you to use folders to manage all the notes.

Sliding Interface
Simply slide through folders and notes. Stop switching screens to get back to previous screen. Moreover, Portrait/Landscape mode will both suit your view easier.
Drag & Drop
Wish to relocate your note to a different folder? Or How about instantly changing the Due date & Status by dragging the task into To-do tab. Drag & Drop feature will help you.
Colored Themes            
Capable of designating default style with 3 luxurious main themes. Create your own folder with unique icons and colored 


Monday, 15 April 2013

Galaxy S4 Launcher and AccuWeather Widget for All Android Phones on Jelly Bean

The Samsung Galaxy S4 is the latest sensation in the world of smartphones which, apart from housing awesome specs and a great bunch of new features, also comes with the new improved TouchWiz UXand more beautiful AccuWeather clock widget. If you visit our blog regularly, you must be remembering we posted the ported versions of the Galaxy S4 weather widget for some Galaxy devices like the S2, S3, Note, Note 2, Galaxy Grand, Advance, etc.
It has just passed a couple of weeks since the Galaxy S4 system dump was leaked on the net and our developers are already busy with portingthe goodies from the S4 to other Android devices. The latest development has popped up in the form of the successful port of the Galaxy S4Launcher and AccuWeather widget to all Android phones with a Jelly Bean custom ROM.
The developer has tested the launcher and widget on most non-TouchWiz ROMs like CyanogenMod 10 and 10.1, AOKP, MIUI JB, ParanoidAndroid 3+ and others. Since the ports are available as flashable zips, it’s needless to repeat it must be installed using a custom recovery like CWM or TWRP.  It’s really a great achievement on the part of Linq’z QIrls’z Chinese, the guy who made this possible, because I have never seen TW launcher and weather widget running on a non-Samsung device.
I was very curious to test it so I flashed it over CM 10.1 and it just worked fine. If your phone is on a custom ROM, it must be rooted and have a custom recovery installed. So what are you waiting for? Just grab the files from below and enjoy theGalaxy S4 launcher and AccuWeather widget.

Downloads (for all devices)

Galaxy S4 Launcher:
For HDPI Phones: S4_Launcher.zip

Galaxy S4 AccuWeather Widget +Main:

How to Install:

Download the launcher file according to your phone’s screen resolution and the weather widget zip package. Do not extract them and copy to your phone’s SD card. Turn on USB Debugging mode on device, boot it into ClockworkMod recovery mode and install the zip packages as described below. Please note that the weather widget will only run with TW launcher so you cannot install the widget alone.
  1. Do not forget to backup your current ROM using “backup and restore” option in CWM.
  2. Go to “advanced” and “wipe dalvik cache” (do it before and after installation)
  3. Now scroll to “install zip from sdcard> choose zip from sdcard“, navigate to the launcher  file and select it.
  4. It will be installed in a few seconds and when it is flashed, install the weather widget file the same way as in Step 3.
  5. When both files are installed, go to “advanced” and “wipe dalvik cache” again.
  6. Finally, go back to main menu and reboot the phone.
When the phone boots, press/tap the Home button on your phone to launch the S4′s TouchWiz launcher.

Additional Notes

In case the launcher and weather widget apps do not show up, navigate to the System/app folder with a root file manager app, find the AccuWeather.apk and SecLauncher.apk, and fix the permissions by settings it as follows:Owner= read-writeGroup= read, and Others= read. Thus it should be like rw-r-r.
When it is set, reboot the phone and it should work. Cheers!

[APP] Google Play Store V4.0.25

Hi guys and gals, just passing through to share the new Google Play Store V4.0.25

Download from HERE

1.Download file from above
2.Install APK without needing to push files or moving anywhere

[APP] S4 ORIGINAL 7 HD Wallpaper's App

u need to push it to the system/app manually and set permission -r-w-r--r then it'll work 
Here is the link : http://www.mediafire.com/?b6s2ysr14c1u209

  • ALL ORIGINAL 7 S4 WALLPAPERS !!! ( thanks to Sammobile for wallpaper  )

Friday, 12 April 2013

Galaxy S4 Touchwiz Rom Updated

Hey Guys, I know u dont like to download whole 250-300 mb of rom for a theme so I made some flashable Touchwiz theme(60mb) for jelly bean rom of MICROMAX a110. 
Features :

  • Galaxy S4 Boot image
  • Galaxy S4 HD icons
  • Galaxy S4 AccuWeather Widget
  • Samsung Bootanimation
  • Galaxy S4 HD wallpapers
  • Galaxy S3 Touchwiz Clock
  • Galaxy S4 NatureUX Launcher
  • S3 styled Settings
  • Galaxy S3 Touchwiz Framework
  • Galaxy S lockscreen ring
  • Galaxy S3 Status Bar(Working on the S4 transparent bar with some progress!)
  • Super Smoothness Tweaks
  • Bravia Engine
  • Sony Xperia xloud sound enhancement
  • Smemo
  • Samsung My Files
  • Galaxy S4 Dialer
  • Galaxy S4 contact picture
  • Touchwiz Keyboard
  • Galaxy S3 Gallery(porting the note gallery)
  • Battery Tweaks,Touch Improved and lot more to explore..

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Galaxy S4 Themed Music Player :

Download : CLICK ME ( Install as a normal APK )
Screenshots :

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Galaxy S4/S3 Touchwiz Theme :

Hey Guys, I know u dont like to download whole 250-300 mb of rom for a theme so I made some flashable Touchwiz theme(60mb) for jelly bean rom of MICROMAX a110. 
Features :

  • Galaxy S4 Boot image
  • Galaxy S4 HD icons
  • Galaxy S3 AccuWeather Widget(made the S4 one but had some bugs,i'll see if i can upload it too)
  • Samsung Bootanimation
  • Galaxy S4 HD wallpapers
  • Galaxy S3 Touchwiz Clock
  • Galaxy S3 NatureUX Launcher
  • S3 styled Settings
  • Galaxy S3 Touchwiz Framework
  • Galaxy S lockscreen ring
  • Galaxy S3 Status Bar(Working on the S4 transparent bar with some progress!)
  • Super Smoothness Tweaks
  • Bravia Engine
  • Sony Xperia xloud sound enhancement
  • Smemo
  • Samsung My Files
  • Galaxy S4 Dialer
  • Galaxy S4 contact picture
  • Touchwiz Keyboard
  • Galaxy S3 Gallery(porting the note gallery)
  • Battery Tweaks
  • Touch Improved
  • and lot more to explore......

Screenshots : http://dgrulesit.blogspot.in/2013/04/blog-post.html
To help me and continue for further updates go on to this link--> CLICK ME and create a new account (I'ts FREE) and earn money, that could help me,Thankyou.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013