Rumors of the Sony Xperia Z3 have been spreading, with the latest coming from Vodafone Germany. The device’s appearance has not been unveiled until today, though, making this leak a little special.
Previous rumors suggested a different design approach but from the leaks,not much design change can be noticed . Sony is known for its classic aesthetics, which is something their fans often praise. Aside from its looks, the prototype unit does seem to be quite a capable device so far.
Most specs continue to be a mystery, but from the photos it can be told that it is running Android 4.4.4 on firmware build 23.0.G.0.98. It also seems like the device will have a 2.5 GHz Snapdragon 801 processor, Adreno 330 graphics and probably the same 20.7MP Exmor RS lens we have seen from both predecessors.
It’s also important to note this is still a prototype, so design, specs and other aspects could still be subject to change. Of course, it may a bit early to be losing sleep over the Xperia Z3.
These are still the rumors and we wouldn't just yet confirm. We will get back shortly with more related leaks and proofs.
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